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Confirmation for Handling of Personal Information
Please read the “Privacy Policy” below.
If you agree to our Private Policy, please click the “I accpet the Handling of Personal Information”.

School Partner Privacy Policy
For the privacy policy of “etoha”, operated by School Partner Co.,Ltd., please visit the etoha Website: Privacy Policy.

Regarding etoha’s handling of personal information
For all etoha Service users, School Partner Co.,Ltd.. (hereinafter referred to as “the company”, “we”, “us”, “our”) shall handle personal information in accordance with the Privacy Policy set forth herein.

In addition to the provisions set forth below, please read the “Terms of Use”, and agree to the contents before using the etoha Service (hereinafter referred to as “the service”). By using the service, the user agrees to these terms.

1. Personal Information
“Personal Information” is any information that enables us to identify an individual by name, gender, date of birth, photograph (or other personal or background information to clearly identify an individual), and used in connection with an individual’s address, telephone number, e-mail address, user ID, password, credit card, etc. Personal Information also includes family status, body information, and age. The company will collect the user’s necessary personal information stated above from the service.

2. Purposes of using Personal Information
We will use the personal information collected through “etoha” for the following purposes only.
(1) To carry out or provide a service and/or support (including login verification).
(2) To charge users who are using paid services.
(3) To make announcements about the company’s products, services, shipping, and/or related information.
(4) To prevent the usage of the system in a manner that violates the terms of service.
(5) To respond to inquiries from users.
(6) To customize information/services/advertisement on the service page according to the user’s age, gender, occupation, hobbies, and/or preferences.
(7) To help improve the service and for new service development.
(8) To create statistical data processed into a format that does not identify individuals.
(9) To analyze the usage history of the system for product development, marketing, and creating questionnaires.
Even if the purposes of using personal information are specified on a different site, the description above will be prioritized.

3. Information Acquisition
The company shall obtain personal information by lawful and fair means and will not obtain through illicit means contrary to the intention of the user.
The provision of the user’s information is optional; however, without necessary information, some services may be restricted.

4. Information Disclosure to Third Parties
We will not provide personal information to third parties except for the following cases.
(1) When obtaining prior consent from the user.
(2) When using “etoha” to share personal information (including photographs, image data storage, web analytics, and copies of these information) of users with other participants (such as guardians and relatives) attending the same event.
(3) When the user needs necessary protection (life, body or property) and only when it is difficult to obtain the consent from the user (photographs, image data storage, web analytics, and copies of these information).
(4) When it is necessary to improve public health or to promote the development of children, and only when it is difficult to obtain the consent from the user.
(5) When a national institution, local public entity or an individual is entrusted with tasks complied with applicable laws or legal obligations, and when it is determined that obtaining the consent of the user may interfere with the performance of work.
(6) When placing the user’s order and/or delivery through the service. Personal information will be given to a subcontracting company (that signed the non-disclosure agreement), such as to a delivery firm and/or data processing center.
(7) When the company merges with another company (and/or for any similar reasons). If the continuation of the service is approved, the personal information will be transferred to a third party.
(8) When the provision of personal information is permitted by the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information.”

5. Use of Statistical Data
We use the aggregate data collected to perform statistical analysis. The aggregate data has been processed so that the user’s personal information cannot be identified.
The company shall be able to use statistical data without any restrictions.

6. Request for the Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information
Based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, the company accepts user’s (individuals identified from the personal information) requests to disclose, correct, delete, use and refuse his/her personal information held by the company.
For disclosure/correction, etc. of personal information, please fill out the “Invoice for Disclosure of Personal Information” and send it to the following address by attaching the required documents and fees. We would appreciate it if you could write down “Disclosure Request Documents” in red on the envelope. When applying, please refer to the etoha Website: Privacy Policy.

7. About Cookies
The company may use “cookies” on certain pages of our websites. ”Cookies” are small files that websites place on the user’s computer as the user browses the website. Such industry-standard technology tool makes the use of websites easier for users. By using “cookies”, the user’s personal information will not be obtained, and the user’s computer will not be affected. In addition, “cookies” can be blocked using the browser settings, however, the operation of the service “etoha” may be impaired.

8. Changes to this Privacy Policy
We may modify our Privacy Policy from time to time to improve privacy practices. When we make important changes, we will notify in a way that is easy to recognize (ex. posting at the home page of the “etoha” website.)

9. Inquiries for handling of Personal Information
For inquiries about our Policy or to lodge a complaint, please contact the below.

September 1, 2019 Last Updated.

Hiroyuki Hashino, President, School Partner Co.,Ltd.